The NExtIN members bring innovative services to industry by providing customised solutions based on key enabling technologies:
Generating value at the different stages of the data value chain will be at the centre of the future knowledge economy. Good use of data can also bring opportunities to more traditional sectors such as transport, health or manufacturing. Starting from unstructured and incomplete data we can generate value by innovating processes and products through data analytics, big data management solutions and smart data visualization tools.
Providers: Kode, Net7, Seacom
The combination of different technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics contributes to the creation of a “virtual twin” of a physical process, creating a mathematical model that describes the process, product or service. The simulation allows you to perform analysis and apply simulated strategies on the model and verify the results. Test automation and performance measurement for TSPs.
Providers: Kode, Netresults, Seacom
As the world becomes increasingly connected, digitalization is a key differentiator that will enable companies to remain competitive. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) merge the physical and digital worlds, creating smart environments promising lower costs, improved production quality, flexibility, efficiency, shorter response time to market demands, and thus opening up new business opportunities. NExtIN can support you starting from the design and production of custom IoT and CPS solutions up to the implementation of user friendly control dashboards for application domains such as smart cities, building automation, Industry 4.0.
Providers: 3logic, Cubit, Nextworks
Cybersecurity is crucial in all companies, since it guarantees the protection of systems and people. Strengthening the EU’s cybersecurity industry will allow European businesses to seize these opportunities and reinforce trust of citizens and businesses in the digital world, contributing to the goals of the EU Digital Single Market Strategy.
Providers: Cubit, Seacom
We can develop specific information systems capable of interacting with suppliers and customers, to exchange information (Vertical Integration), or capable of interacting with companies operating in the same chain even if apparently competing (Horizontal Integration).
Providers:3logic, Net7, Softhrod
An evolved application of data visualization is represented by the digital signage, a multichannel digital service, particularly adopted in the retailtainment and cultural sector, but potentially exploitable in other different industrial verticals.
Provider: Softhrod
NExtIN members combine their expertise in providing innovative ELM solutions from the strategic point of view through a methodological approach at all company stages . Tracking and visualization technologies can be combined together to these assets to deliver a customized solution to optimize management strategies through easy-to-use and easy-to-plug IT interfaces.
Providers:3logic, Net7, QUINN
We provide comprehensive and innovative technologies for document management, such as: automated management of document input flows, management of corporate and inter-company documentary processes from a supply chain perspective; safe and controlled remote access to documentation. In the latest years, we focused also on federated archives and in integrated blockchain solutions into the document management.
Provider: Hyperborea