As association of enterprises, NExtIN has the mission to boost the economic development of its members and to advocate the IT SMEs needs as a whole in the policy making process. Today’s fast evolving technologies reinforce the importance of such a reality, as facilitator to build bridges and create synergies between the different industries, research centers and policy makers.
Established in January 2017, NExtIN has been founded by a network of digital SMEs active at local and European level, with a decennial experience in bringing innovation and IT solutions to the industrial sector.
The aim of NExtIN is to:
- Facilitate the adoption of technology applications by industrial manufactures, to rapidly respond to the innovation demand of the fourth industrial revolution
- Advocate the European SMEs role in the Industrial Modernization process
- Participate in the development process of Innovation policies, by establishing a collaborative dialogue with the local regional authorities
NExtIN represents IT organisations, who play an active role in Industrial Revolution, by providing solutions for the manufacturing sectors and beyond.
It is a lively and expanding European platform that encourages the active exchange of knowledge, best practices, comparative research and assessment of the sector’s training needs in the field of industrial modernization, through a wide range of local and European initiatives, activities and events.