DIH² A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production 1
2nd stage Applications submission
Submission deadline on the 27th of February 2020 at 13:00 (CET).
DIH² will select 26 consortia composed of a maximum of three members (including manufacturing SMEs/Mid-Caps and Technology Providers) across two competitive open calls. There will be 13 consortia in each call. This section summarizes the characteristics of the Open Calls under the DIH² project.
Who can apply:
Manufacturing SMEs or Mid-Caps can apply to participate in the 1st Open Call. Please, be aware that while checking the company’s status, the linked parties of the company are also taken into consideration. SME status is calculated in accordance with the rules defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. Status of the “Mid-Cap” will be assessed accordingly. Mid-Caps are defined as organisations with a staff headcount below 500 employees and a turnover below €100M.
Technology Providers. Any type of organisation specialized in technology transfer or system integration to end-users, such as System Integrators, Research and Technology Organisations, Digital Innovation Hubs Centres, startups, SMEs, etc.
Read more on the call website